Media Download: Satpol PP vs Little People


Satpol PP vs Little People


Satpol PP dibentuk dengan tujuan yang sangat mulia, menciptakan ketertiban umum dan menjaga saranana & prasaranan demi kelancaran dan keamanan masyarakat umum.

Namun ketika kita melihat banyak kasus penertiban yang dilakukan oleh pihak Satpol PP justru mengabaikan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan melanggar hak asasi manusia, bahkan mereka sangat arogan alias brutal.

The elements of decay and injustice committed by people who have office and power has been covered with a robe "Satpol PP" which mengatas called Order and Public Security.

Lots of cases do brutalisme Satpol PP actually far from the word "Problem of Tolerance" to the community. All of this can be done only by people who have power and position.

Look just like the case of eviction of residents in the park by BMW Satpol PP recorded so brutal treatment to residents evictee, let alone a helpless citizens even just beaten / tortured by officers Satpol PP.

If indeed the land is state owned land, then why did former residents were allowed to build housing there, and they have lived there for many years. Suddenly the mayor ordered to do evictions due to be built international-standard sports facilities.

Does this mayor officials is Robot?. Clearly robots are machines and have no conscience, so that the robot never had a feeling.

Please note that the CHARACTER of a WISE LEADER is a leader who considers the people who are part of the limb.

What happens when members of our body is injured?. Obviously it hurt like hell.

So also with what is happening here. The government should provide tolerance to people who would be evicted, for example by providing 1-2 year grace period so that citizens have the opportunity to get ready to move, so that citizens have little capital when it was acquired by the government.

I think citizens evictee will not want to live like this place, a place far away from welfare. That is because they have no other choice to stay & shade. If only they had sufficient funds and given the choice, then they certainly would not choose that place to stay.

Look at what happened and experienced eviction victims?.

They were abandoned because they do not have a place to live. Many of those who eventually live under bridges and on the outskirts of the railroad tracks. How the fate of their children, the fate of the future generation ...!

Really ... This phenomenon is so tragic.

This is the real manifestation of the characteristics of our real government of the REFORM PROCESS is not yet complete, look at the Lord never sided with the people and be militarism, it was one of the characters NEW ORDER administration.

Hopefully by 2009 it will PILPRES our leaders would be wise for people, especially those already promoted menggembor PRO PEOPLE PROGRAMS.

That was just one example the case of many cases of injustice and perlakuaan arbitrarily made by the holders of power who use PP as an engine Satpol mass destruction.

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